Sector-7, IIE SIDCUL PANTNAGAR, Uttarakhand

Mr. Mukesh Kumar Rathore

Managing Director

"The journey we've been on together has been full of ups and downs, but through it all, we've remained united and focused on our goals. That's what sets us apart and makes us successful."
"Our experiences in this company have taught us the value of teamwork, communication, and perseverance. Let's continue to use these lessons as we move forward and achieve great things together."

Mr. Liladhar Kashyap


"The path to success is never easy, but our past experiences have shown us that we have what it takes to overcome any obstacle. Let's keep pushing forward and achieve great things together."
"I am grateful for the trust that our team has placed in me, and I am committed to leading us forward. Our experiences in this company have shown us the value of determination, hard work, and perseverance."

Mr. Rakesh Rathore


"The challenges we've faced in our supply chain operations have only made us stronger and more efficient. Let's continue to strive for excellence and drive innovation in our processes."
"I am inspired by the dedication and expertise of everyone in our supply chain team. Our experiences have shown us the power of collaboration and teamwork, and I'm confident that we can achieve anything we set our minds to."

Mr. Vinod Kumar Rathore

G.M Sales

"Every sale we make is a testament to the hard work and dedication of our team. Let's continue to work together and drive results that make a real difference."
"The path to success in sales is never easy, but our past experiences have shown us that we have what it takes to overcome any obstacle. Let's keep pushing forward and achieve great things together."
